It typically takes about 15 days for a rooster's sperm to form. He will produce approximately 35,000 sperm each second of his life, and his semen contains approximately 40 times as much sperm as a human male. However, quantity doesn't always equal quality, and the rooster's sperm quality depends on many factors, such as nutrition, genetics and environment.

The volume of semen in one ejaculate averages 0.25 ml in the turkey, 0.50 ml in the chicken, but may be only 0.05‐.10 ml in an average size parrot. Volume varies widely among avian species. It is extremely viscous due to the high density of sperm per unit volume. 100 Billion sperm are required for optimal fertility in the domestic fowl.

No capacitation of sperm is necessary for fertilization to take place (sperm taken directly from the ductus deferens can fertilize). No accessory sex glands are present, so seminal fluids are composed of secretions originating only from the testis, epididymis, and ductus deferens. In addition, a lymph‐like fluid generated during erection and causing an engorgement of the phallic structures in the cloaca can be made to pass through the epithelial lining and intermix with the seminal fluid. This fluid is called "transparent fluid" and its significance is debatable. Unlike mammals, avian sperm, once ejaculated and inseminated into the hen's oviduct can retain their fertilizing power for a period of many days to weeks.

El proceso de formación de los espermios tiene dos fases. La espermatocitogénesis donde hay divisiones mitóticas consecutivas y división meiótica, y la espermiogénesis cuya característica principal es el cambio de morfología de la célula (espermio). La producción de espermios es permanente desde el momento del inicio de la pubertad y en los túbulos seminíferos se encuentran células en todos los estados de desarrollo. Estos y otros procesos reproductivos están regulados por la actividad hormonal del macho.

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